Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Leadership Case Study Essay

Case Problem A: Frank Won’t Accept â€Å"We can’t† for an answer Key issues/summary: Frank is a business development manager in a firm charged with the mandate of providing the government with business improvement solutions. The company is currently faced with the challenge of acquiring more contracts from the government considering the expiry of the existing contracts. Frank refuses to accept the loss of contract and the inability of the company to acquire more contacts. Problem statement: The system of leadership style that Franks uses is ineffective in realizing the objectives of the company and he needs to develop a better strategy for the profitability of the firm. Root cause: Frank believes that the laxity of the project managers is the main contributor to loss of contacts in the company. Solutions: It is important for Frank to recognize the problem that the organization faces and develop an all inclusive approach on the best possible strategies that could help the company gain in terms of contracts and profit levels. Advantages: If Frank incorporates other managers in the decision making process, it is possible to realize effective solution to company problems Disadvantage: Failure to recognize the professional input of other managers may lead to the collapse of the company. Questions 1. What Based on limited evidence how would characterize Franks leadership style? Frank is autocratic in his style of leadership since he expects results by stating the course or action that his subordinated must embrace. 2. What leadership behavior and attitudes is Frank displaying? Frank is inconsiderate and controlling in terms of behavior and attitude. He expects his employees to generate results despite the difficulties that the company is experiencing. 3. How else can Frank  approach his project managers about developing a new business? Frank can introduce an all-inclusive approach that emphasizes on brainstorming on the best possible alternatives of acquiring contracts from other entities other than the government. Case Problem B: Time to Rebound at Willow Pond Key issues/Summary: Heather Osaka has been offered the position of director at Willow Pond; a medium-size assisted living home. The home experiences challenges related to effective management and the well-being of its clients. Problem statement: Heather Osaka needs to find techniques of leadership that will enable her solve the problems at Willow Pond. Root causes: Poor leadership and limited concern on employee wellbeing contributed to negligence and the provision of poser services at Willow Pond. Solutions: There is need for Heather to realize the relationship between her personal attributes and the best leadership style that can be used based on her previous experiences while working at two hospitals. These will help in determining the existing needs and the available facilities to provide lasting solutions. Answers to questions on Case Study B 1. This case is included in the chapter about charismatic and transformational leadership because the type of leader needed to revive Willow Pond should demonstrate to his subordinated his ability and belief in making positive changes despite the complications that may have characterized the an organization. 2. The transformational leadership techniques that Heather can apply while reforming Willow Pond include the introduction of motivational approaches for enhance the efficacy of employees. In addition, Heather can employee the use of better communication strategies and the involvement of the management in the decision making process. 3. Charismatic aspects of Heather’s personality may be instrumental in making changes within the organization considering that this approach to leadership generate the belief that a leader has the capacity to make meaningful changes. In addition, it is a way of convincing the management and the employees of her potential. 4. The job at Willow Pond is a wonderful career for Heather since it will enable her demonstrate her level of expertise from experience in ensuring the development of the organization. It will also be an opportunity of advancing her career  portfolio.

Major Functions Of The Skin Health And Social Care Essay

The tegument is the largest organ of the organic structure. Measuring between 1.5 and 2.0 square meters in an grownup, it forms an extended contact country with the environment. This contact presents a assortment of of import challenges, which the tegument must run into in order to protect the organic structure. It besides provides of import chances, which the tegument uses to keep homeostasis.See the challenges and chances posed by contact with the environment and associate them to the major maps of the tegument.The integumental system, dwelling of tegument, hair and nails, act as a barrier to protect the organic structure from the environment. Some challenges and chances posed to the tegument by the environments are ; exposure to sunlight/UV Rays, bacterium, mechanical harm, chemical harm and thermic harm. The integumental system acts as a barrier in three ways: a chemical barrier, a physical barrier and a biological barrier. The integumental system works with the immune system to make a biological barrier. Specialized cells in the tegument discovery and destroy foreign bacteriums. A physical barrier consists of difficult, keratinized cells in the nails, tegument and hair. These cells particularly in tegument and nails help protect the internal variety meats and blood system from external environmental factors. Hair helps to minimalise insects from creeping on the tegument, protect the scalp from physical injury and regulate heat. A chemical barrier is besides due to clamber. The tegument has perspiration secretory organs which secrete substances onto the tegument that stop the reproduction of bacteriums. The tegument besides produces melanin which acts to protect ultraviolet beams from the Sun nevertheless despite melanin ‘s protective factors excessive Sun exposure will finally damage the tegument.2Explain how the constructions of the skin contribute to its maps.35 % 437.5Answer The tegument is the largest organ in the integumental system and has 2 major constituents: the cutaneal membrane or tegument and the accessary constructions. The cutaneal membrane has 2 constituents: the cuticle and the corium. The cuticle is the outer bed of the tegument and the corium is a bed of tegument between the cuticle and hypodermic tissues. The accessary constructions consists of hair, nails and multicellular duct gland secretory organs. The cuticle consists of 5 beds ; the stratum basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum and horny layer. The Stratum basale is the outer bed of tegument, the stratum spinosum is a bed of the cuticle found between the stratum granulosum and stratum basale. [ 1 ] This bed helps to forestall desiccation, the stratum granulosum is the bed between the stratum lucidum and stratum spinosum, the stratum lucidum is a thin, clear bed of dead tegument cells. It is found merely in countries of midst tegument, most perceptibly on the thenar of the custodies and the colloidal suspensions of the pess and eventually the stratum horny layer is the outermost bed and is filled with ceratin, which is made up of dead cells. The corium is responsible for the strength of tegument. Its chief maps are to modulate temperature and to provide the cuticle with nutrient-saturated blood. Much of the organic structure ‘s H2O supply is stored within the corium. The corium contains most of the tegument ‘s specialised cells and constructions, including: Blood vass, lymph vass, hair follicles, perspiration secretory organs, greasy, or oil, secretory organs, nervus terminations, collagen and elastin. The corium bed is made up of two sublayers, the papillose bed, which contains a thin agreement of collagen fibres. The papillose bed supplies foods to choose beds of the cuticle and regulates temperature. The 2nd is the reticular bed which is thicker and made of thick collagen fibres that are arranged in analogue to the surface of the tegument. The reticulate bed strengthens the tegument, supplying construction and snap. A bed of tissue that lies instantly below the corium is the hypodermis or hypodermic tissue. The hypodermis consists chiefly of loose connective tissue and lobules of fat and Acts of the Apostless as an energy modesty. It contains larger blood vass and nervousnesss than those found in the corium. The hypodermis contains: elastic fibres, hempen sets, fat, blood vass, lymphatic vass, hair follicle roots, nervousnesss and musculus. The tegument includes the undermentioned maps ; protection, esthesis, heat ordinance, control of vaporization, storage and synthesis, soaking up, H2O opposition. The constructions of the tegument all work together to keep the of import maps.3You are exerting on a hot twenty-four hours. Explain two ways in which the integumentary system acts to continue homeostasis20 % 250AnswerTwo ways in which the integumentary system acts to continue homeostasis are sudating and vasodilation. Homeostasis is a term for your organic structure ‘s ability to modulate your internal province, and perspiration is an illustration of this. If your organic structure temperature gets excessively high, one of the homeostatic mechanisms used to convey your temp back to normal is sudating. Eccrine perspiration secretory organs are the major perspiration secretory organs of the human organic structure, found in virtually all tegument. Sweat is clear secernment that is chiefly H2O and salt ( sodium chloride ) . Perspiration reaches the tegument via a canal that opens externally as a funnel shaped pore. Eccrine perspiration secretory organs are a extremely efficient portion of the heat regulation system, they are supplied with nervus terminations that cause them to release perspiration when the organic structure ‘s temperature gets excessively high. When perspiration evaporates off the teguments surface it takes organic structure heat with it. On a hot twenty-four hours you could lose up to 7 liters of organic structure H2O. Another manner the integumental system acts to continue homeostasis is vasodilation. Blood vass providing blood to the tegument can swell or distend – called vasodilation. This causes more heat to be carried by the blood to the tegument, where it can be lost to the air nevertheless if the external environment is every bit hot as or hotter than the organic structure the lone manner to let go of heat is through vaporization of sweat. This is an efficient beginning of heat loss every bit long as the air is dry, if it is humid vaporization occurs at a much slower rate go forthing the individual hot and annoyed. When the organic structure cools down the hypothalamus through the autonomic nervous system tells the ‘heat loss ‘ Centre to exchange off.4Indicate how aging affects the tegument and explicate how these alterations affect its normal map.15 %AnswerAs people age their cuticular cell replacing slows therefore the tegument begins to thin ensuing in an addition of bruising and other types of hurt. The lubricating substances provided by the tegument glands that provides immature looking and soft skin start to go less efficient, ensuing in dry itchy tegument. Elastic fibres and collagen fibres become fewer and stiffer so the tegument has much less snap ensuing in furrows. The lessening in Numberss of melanocytes and langerhans cells produced can heighten the hazard of skin malignant neoplastic disease in older age, particularly if alot of ultraviolet beams are absorbed. UV beams are a major part to the celerity of teguments aging. Over clip, the Sun ‘s beams damage certain fibres in the tegument called elastin. The dislocation of elastin fibres causes the tegument to droop and take longer to mend.Aging besides affects things below the tegument ; loss of fat below the tegument may ensue in loosening tegument, bone loss after the age of 60 can do puckering of the tegument around the oral cavity, gristle loss in the nose causes saging of the rhinal tip.Smokers besides tend to hold more furrows than non-smokers of the same age. Skin alterations associated with ageing pose peculiar jobs for nurses caring for aged people.5Outline the nursing rules involved in tegument attention in the aged.15 %AnswerAged patients are prone to clamber cryings, ulcers, scratchs, annoyance and infection particularly if they are diabetic. If proper tegument attention is non adhered to, it can ensue in sores, dry/painful tegument and even sphacelus. When an aged patient is bathing the temperature of the H2O should be warm instead than hot as aged people ‘s tegument does non incorporate as much oil as it one time did, if all the oil is washed off, their tegument is more susceptible to breakage, which can take to infection. A mild soap should ever be used as it is non rough on their tegument and helps forestall it from going prohibitionist. Due to the loss of natural oils in the tegument, it is necessary to use a moisturizing lotion after a bath and multiple times through the twenty-four hours. Using a moisturizer helps cut down the itching, and the likeliness of infection. It is non uncommon for some aged patients to be confined to their bed 24 hours a twenty-four hours. This is when skin attention is critical, particularly if they are incontinent of intestine and vesica, rinsing and drying the country on a regular basis can cut down the hazard of a fungous infection forming. Aged tegument must be observed on a regular basis to look into for alterations such as moles. MARK SHEET. Workbook 3 Integumentary system Question Marks out of 100 Marks Awarded 1st marker 2nd marker Agree 1 15 2 35 3 20 4 15 5 15 Entire 100 Final Agreed Mark Workbook 1 Workbook 2 Workbook 3 Concluding Percentage

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bank Supervision in Nepal Essay

Banks are the pillars of economy in real capitalistic market of a nation. They are prime sources of investment that play vital role in mobilizing resources to an optimum level in business world. The role of banking sector in economic growth and stability requires continuous and reliable service. In Nepal, Nepal Ratra Bank (NRB) is only an authorized body responsible for the monetary regulation and supervision of all banks and financial institutions licensed by it. It regulates price and balance of payments stability, manage liquidity, develop a sound payment system, and promote financial services and financial stability of the nation. The use of information technology (IT) by financial sector creates numerous challenges of managing and governing it in today’s context. Issues of tackling with changes in technology, migrating system from one to another, maintain adequate internal control system and managing other IT related risks are emerging in banking sector. Frauds through debit and credit cards, ATM, internet banking, mobile banking have increased the risk of financial loss along with other banking risks. Technology risk is not only concerned with operation risk of the bank, other banking risks like credit risk, reputation risk, compliance risk, market risk, strategic risk are also increased due to it. In this scenario, there must be a guideline to regulate sound and robust risk management technology that strengthens system security, reliability, availability and business continuity. Banks licensed by NRB should maintain the prescribed level of capital fund while opening branches only at prescribed locations. Every NRB reports submitted by bank should be transparent and must be properly reviewed and verified by NRB. Credit information bureau of every client must be recorded and submitted to the concerned authorities for any credit or loan functionalities. To defend illegal users from accessing banking system, it is essential to well educate customers to conduct banking operation securely. Similarly, it is also important to educate other stakeholders including its employees to create effective information security practice. Summarizing up, NRB being an apex body, it should seriously pursue various policies, strategies and actions to maintain the stability in price and consolidate the balance of payments for sustainable development of the economy of Nepal. The increasing complexity of IT in banks creates significant risk to which comprehensive risk management comprising of various standard internal control framework, bank’s own requirement and NRB requirement must be implemented. To ensure effectiveness of implemented control framework and adequacy of the adopted security plan and procedures, banks should conduct Information System (IS) audit annually. They should clearly provide information about the services, cost, security features, risk and benefits of electronic banking environment.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Personal Effectiveness Report Objectives Research Paper

Personal Effectiveness Report Objectives - Research Paper Example the Big Five Locator), self-monitoring, and extroversion are presented as well. The ways on how the two individuals may leverage on their strengths and downplay their weaknesses based on these tests are explained. Background Individuals that work within one setting have distinct ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Thus, the profound understanding of these cognitions, attitudes and behaviors is critical in ensuring that the enterprise’s bottomlines are effectively met. A person may be better managed if his manager or colleague knows his personality, preferences, and styles of learning and behaving (Melamed & Jackson 1995). A comprehension of the nuances of personality, learning styles, self-monitoring, among others, will aid the manager in determining the best way to increase the motivation; optimize the development; and increase the effectiveness of management (Engleman and Kleiner 1998). Assessment accord insight to management on ambiguous characteristics that may spell the difference between mediocre and exemplary performance (Yeung & Berman 1997). The utilization of assessments heightens mastery of self, and benefits both the incumbent and his manager. Ultimately, such mastery has implications on how the person relates to others; how we works within a team; how driven he is to deliver results; and how substantially he contributes to organizational strategy (Darcy and Tracey 2003). In having such knowledge, managers may be able to recommend apt interventions for development and for filling gaps. Moreover, their motivators are more precisely identified, which will allow them to give more significant contributions at work. Such knowledge will likewise enhance their personal sense of satisfaction and well-being (Melamed & Jackson 1995). Overall, these assessments can aid organizations in achieving desirable bottomlines such as enhanced productivity; seamless cooperation; increased camaraderie; and a more marked emphasis on organizational learning and development (Yeung & Berman 1997). Personality assessments are important organizational tools that help ascertain the strengths and improvement areas of employees that may have implications on their capacity as individual contributors to organizational objectives (Judge, Higgins, Thoresen, & Barrick 1999). The peculiarities among employees should not be a reason for conflict, but rather as a means for productive synergy. Moreover, these assessments may be utilized for recruitment, training, and retention purposes. These standardized assessments are not without limitations (Rhodes & Hammer 2000). They may cause employees to be stereotyped. It is critical for these tests to be accurately interpreted to make sure that the hiring or development decisions that are brought forth are appropriate (Judge et al 1999). Aims The main aim of the paper is to ascertain the ways through which personality assessments may be used to recommend interventions for increased collaboration and team effect iveness. The outcomes of two team members on 1) hemisphere dominance; 2) learning styles; 3) interaction styles; 4) the Big Five Locator; 5) self-monitoring; and 6) extraversion are presented. These results may be used by their superiors and by the HR Department to recommend development interventions for these two individuals. This paper also intends to demonstrate how the outcomes of such assessments may b

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Columbian Exchange Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Columbian Exchange - Essay Example But later, tomatoes became a part of the Italian identity and food culture, and the nutritious value of potatoes and corns was fully appreciated, thus, broadening the scope of the European cuisine. On the opposite side, the new world was also introduced to new foods. Sugarcane was perhaps the most prominent and damaging introduction. However, the relatively meatless culture was transformed once pork, beef, milk and cheese were introduced. The new comers were trying to create a familiar environment and so they brought with them different crops and animals such as rice, wheat, sheep, goats and chickens. Thus adding new species to the new world and dramatically changing its socioeconomic and cultural identity. The new comers also introduced their own military hardware, such as swords, armor and guns, in the new world. Those superior military equipments and weapons were used to control the Native American population. The horse, for example, was alien to the new world. In fact, it was even bigger than any of the locally available domesticated animals. It was used by the invaders to terrify the natives in battle. However, the local Americans quickly adopted the animal, and learned to use its power effectively against the very same people who introduced it.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business Ethics- Cosmetic Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Ethics- Cosmetic Industry - Essay Example Though this industry is continually growing at leaps and bounds, it is though wrought with a wide array of ethical issues from sourcing of cosmetic ingredients to testing of the cosmetic products to determine safety to the marketing of such products and services (Betton 7-9). The essence of ethics is all about determining the rightness or wrongness of certain human actions, and the number of ethical controversies that plague the cosmetic industry have tremendous moral, environment, social, legal, and health implications to the stakeholders involved (Skov 3). This paper analyses the business ethics of the cosmetic industry with a focus on make-up industry globally. Brief Overview of the make-up cosmetics Industry The make-up industry is the one of largest segment within the cosmetics industry after skin care and fragrances, and mainly consists of face make-up, lip make-up, eye make-up and nail make-up. For the year 2010, the global market generated sales worth $34.5 billion and growin g at 4.2% compounded annual growth rate over the period 2006-2010. This growth is as depicted in figure 1. With most of the world economy still in recovery, the growth rate over the period 2010-2015 has been projected to be at 4.1% annually with the market value projected to rise to $42.2 billion by the end of 2015 (Datamonitor 9). Figure1: Global make-up Market Value, Source: Datamonitor, 2011, pp. 10 The highest growing markets are the markets in the Americas and Asia Pacific with these markets exhibiting a 4.3% and 4% growth rate respectively (Datamonitor 9). The biggest consumer of make-up cosmetic products though is Europe accounting for 41.2% of the global market value followed by t he Americas which account 30.5% of the global make-up market, Asia-Pacific 25.7% and Africa and the Middle east at 2.5% (Global insight 1; Datamonitor 13). The leading player globally is L’Oreal followed by Proctor & Gamble and Estee Lauder Companies as shown below in figure 2: Figure2: Glob al Make-up market share. Source: Datamonitor, 2011, pp.14 With most cosmetics companies increasingly claiming to produce their make-up products in the most ethical manner, ethical considerations impacting the industry have increasingly become issues to contend with. Key ethical issues within the industry The ethicality of an issue is mainly determined by how right or wrong an issue or action is. There are a number of ethical issues faced by cosmetic industry, and in specific the make-up industry. These include testing of products on animals, misleading advertisements concerning the performance of the cosmetic products, inclusion of harmful ingredients into the cosmetic products, unethical alliances between academic institutions and professional dermatologists with cosmetic companies to endorse the use of the company’s products purporting them to be scientifically proven as safe and with high efficacy, and unethical sourcing of products ingredients (Betton; The Environmental A ssociation for universities and Colleges; Hussain & Yamaguchi). These ethical issues have plagued the cosmetic industry with most cosmetic industries which claim to be ethical mainly showing that they source their raw materials ethically following fair trade policies and that they do not use animal testing for their products. Most cosmetic companies have at some point tested their cosmetic products on animal

Friday, July 26, 2019

Human Rights and Anti-Terrorsm Legislation Essay

Human Rights and Anti-Terrorsm Legislation - Essay Example The primary Human Rights document in the United Kingdom is the Human Rights Act 1998. The Human Rights Act 1998 received royal assent on November 9, 1998 and came into force on October 2, 2000. The objective of said Act was to harmonize the domestic law of the United Kingdom with the European Convention on Human Rights and to provide for stricter human rights guarantees to be followed by all states. The provisions on free speech, freedom of assembly and due process all impact heavily on the criminal justice system in the United Kingdom. On the other hand, the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in November of 2001, a mere two months after the historic 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Criticized by many for the undue haste in its passage, with concerns of political pressure being raised, the law in its original form contained passages that human rights groups deemed to be violative of established human rights principles. Amidst the outrage surrounding the 911 attacks, the Anti-Terror Law was heralded as a measure to combat the worldwide phenomenon of terrorism and to arrest its spread and development. Legal scholars and free speech advocates, however, unite in condemning the law for trampling constitutionally-protected liberties. There is also the possibility that the law might give rise to or at least encourage racial profiling, particularly the provisions on proscription of terrorist organizations. It might further alienate minority groups and exace rbate the political violence by radicalizing "moderate" groups. Human rights advocates scored a victory when the Law Lords ruled that a provision in the Law allowing the indefinite detention of foreign terrorist suspects was contrary to human rights principles. Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, in his ruling, said: "Indefinite imprisonment without charge or trial is anathema in any country which observes the rule of law." This decision was reached when nine detainees lodged their appeal before the Court. Indeed, due process is a fundamental principle of human rights. Criminal justice in any mature society always involves a balance of two competing interests: the need to protect the rights of the accused, and the need to combat crime and instill peace and order in society. "Legally, a crime is any act or omission proscribed by the criminal law and thus punishable by the state through the criminal justice system" (Davies, Croall and Tyrer, 2005) Legal systems in the civilized world - whether in civil or common law jurisdictions -- have, at least in theory, given primacy to the rights of the accused, understanding that ambiguity should be resolved in his or her favor. The anti-terror legislation of the United Kingdom unfortunately appears to have forgotten this notion. This comes as little surprise, certainly, given its beginnings that would make many a human rights advocate flinch. Post-911 anti-terror legislation in the UK is heavily laden with the baggage of American anti-war rhetoric which in turn smacks of prejudice, bigotry and an abject refusal to honor human rights prin

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Internetworking Switches and Routers Module Written ASSIGNMENT

Internetworking Switches and Routers Module Written - Assignment Example Routing protocols are divided into four categories, which includes hierarchical, flat, geographic and Quality of Service (QoS) routing mechanisms (Eslaminejad 2011, p. 24). First, the flat routing protocols are used to reduce or omit the redundant information originating from the primary sensor nodes. In these protocols, the sensor nodes perform the same task as well as forwarding data to the sink nodes. Data centric methods are used in these networks in order to eliminate the extra information thus reducing energy consumption. Flat protocols use two data centric methods, which include Direct Diffusion and Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation (SPIN). The methods reduce energy consumed by the sensor nodes, thus elongating the lifespan of the WSNs (Sohraby, Minoli and Znati 2007, p. 109). In hierarchical routing protocols, data transmission is conducted by clusters rather than individual nodes deployed in the harsh environments. Clustering technique is a common method used in this routing mechanism so as to save energy consumed in the entire WSNs. Clusters formed in these WSNs consist of a number of sensor nodes. The individual sensor nodes send data to the cluster heads, which in turn aggregates that data before transmitting it to the base station. Large amounts of energy are, therefore, saved when WSNs use the clustering method. The mechanism operates in a hierarchical order where primary nodes send information to the cluster heads, which in turn send it to the sink nodes (Garcia-Hernardo 2008, p. 123). The QoS-based routing mechanisms employed in WSNs aim at ensuring there is a balance between the energy consumption and data quality. WSNs applying the QoS concept should satisfy various parameters such as the delaying time and bandwidth. SAR (Sequential Assignment Routing) is one of the protocols that apply the concept of the QoS. Application of SAR allows WSNs to withstand technical failures at low power consumption.

Marriage is a private affair ( by Chinua Achebe) Research Paper

Marriage is a private affair ( by Chinua Achebe) - Research Paper Example On the other hand, Igbo village is the symbol of ancient and rigid traditions. Encapsulating within the compass of a fascinating saga of love, â€Å"Marriage is a Private Affair† by Chinua Achebe, presents a conflict of old and new at different realms of life and include social, psychological and cultural perspectives. Thesis Statement The pieces of Achebe are stuffed into realism and his story; â€Å"Marriage is a Private Affair† is not an exception either. To evolve the realism in the story, Achebe employs myriad devices and techniques. This essay intends to give a detailed exposition to the thought process of Achebe and his devices used in the realm of physical, psychological and cultural elements in order to achieve realism in the story. Physical Reality Employed in the Story Achebe in his story, â€Å"Marriage is a Private Affair† tries to evoke the physical reality that appeals to all the five senses of a human being. On the plane of this appeal to the five senses, Achebe achieves the physical reality in the story. This technique of Achebe is much inspired from the romantic poetry, especially that of Keats. The only difference is the variation in consequence that the appeals at respective planes have manifested. In Romantic Poetry, there was a sheer feeling of ecstasy and here the technique is employed to generate realism in the story. All the senses of sight, smell, taste, sound and touch are evoked throughout the story to make it real and relate it to all the senses of mankind operating throughout. The sense of sight is evoked through the detailed description of the beauty and the good manners of the woman, whom Nnaemeka’s father selects to marry. Here the usage of words and its representations are so strong that the sense is perfectly evoked through mere words: â€Å"I have found a girl who will suit you admirably—Ugoye Nweke, the eldest daughter of our neighbor, Jacob Nweke. She has a proper Christian upbringing. Wh en she stopped schooling some years ago her father (a man of sound judgment) sent her to live in the house of a pastor where she has received all the training a wife could need. Her Sunday school teacher has told me that she reads her Bible very fluently.† Nnaemeka, further narrates his acquaintance with the girl, â€Å"He remembered Ugoye quite well, an Amazon of a girl who used to beat up all the boys, himself included, on the way to the stream, a complete dunce at school.† These words suggest the visual imagery to the plane of realism where the light on the character of Nnaemeka is further revealed strongly (Achebe, â€Å"Marriage Is a Private Affair†). The appeal of sight and smell is evoked through the description of the women of Ibo tribes in maintaining their household. Along with it, the good food that the Ibo women cook and its detailed description project the appeal of sight and smell. The sense of hearing is made pertinent through the literal audible s ilence that the readers go through after the confession of Nnaemeka (to marry Nene Atang) to his father Okeke, â€Å"I shall never see her,† was the reply. From that night the father scarcely spoke to his son. This feeling of gloomy silence which posses more sense of threat than Okeke’s thundering speeches evokes a true scene of hearing which can be perceived through the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Techwire Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Techwire - Case Study Example The embedded strategy is to competitively develop the company increasing the stakes for all players. The company is operating in a gorgeous as well as stable industry and has key competitive advantages supported by considerable financial strength (Jarzabkowski, 2005). SWOT Analysis is a helpful technique for comprehending the Strengths as well as Weaknesses, and for discovering all the Opportunities present to the business and finally, the Threats or risks a company experiences (Ratnasingam, 2006). Applied in a business perspective it assists one carve a continued existence niche in the marketplace. Applied in a personal background, it permits one to create his or her profession in a manner that takes maximum advantage of their capabilities, talents as well as opportunities. Techwire business strengths are in general, the company is presently having the best team coupled with scientific engineers who are well-trained to make this excellent software. Additionally, the Chief Financial Officer) on the company formerly developed an implausible request that is distributed pertaining to large sums of money. The company has a number of demerits currently even though most of us are trying to concentrate on these people and also solve the limitations. Perceiving as the business bears a 50 million dollar deficiency, most of us are incapable to devote to marketing and promotion as well public regards as of now. The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix is a strategic instrument which is applied in evaluating alternative group of strategies. The QSPM includes previous stage details in a systematic manner to compute the score of numerous strategies so as to discover the best counterpart strategy for the business (Yogyakarta, 2008). The QSPM emerges under the third phase of strategy creation which is known as â€Å"The Decision phase†

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Teacher Perspectives on Play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Teacher Perspectives on Play - Essay Example I knew that they were playing because they seemed to be having too much fun and had no idea when the bell rang and they had to return to the lesson. Most of them were playing; while, some were just standing around and watching. They were not playing because they were not having fun. The arrangement of the classroom did not support the play the children were playing but they were creative enough to organize tables and chairs as if they were in some kitchen, having food. Furnishings and materials neither restricted the play not supported it. It was kind of a simple play in which only tables and chairs were needed. On daily schedule, the children had only one hour to play. The rest four hours were continuous classes- two hours before the play and two after it. I saw the children playing pretend kitchen, but after they had enough of it, they started playing hide and seek. My observation matched with the teacher’s responses. She had already told me that her children played in the lunch time for about an hour. The only difference I felt was that the children did not go for any outdoor activity that day, and just remained indoors and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Argumentative Essay Essay Example for Free

Argumentative Essay Essay Governments should be more involved in citizens diets Modern age supermarkets selling off the shelve foods are normal nowadays. Unfortunately the knowledge of what is healthy and what is not had been effected by this. People should be better educated on what is healthy and what is not. Healthier diets make healthier citizens and healthier citizens will save a lot of money in health care, bad diets do cause expensive health problems. Although it is general knowledge that unhealthy products are cheaper than healthy products, it is not general knowledge that products claiming to be healthy are usually full of harmful and unhealthy ingredients. It is time the government steps in to protect the population. Firstly, health problems caused by bad, unhealthy diets weigh heavily on health care expenses. Several population-based prevention policies can be expected to generate substantial health gains while entirely or largely paying for themselves through future reductions of health-care expenditures according to The Lancet (Cecchini et al., 2010). Just by eating healthier a reduction will be made possible, this alone should be reason enough for a government to get more involved Secondly, people will be stimulated to choose healthier products when prices for unhealthy products will be raised. The current situation is just the other way around. The healthier choice is more expensive. â€Å"With proper nutrition and regular exercise, you can reduce the costs of health insurance premiums, the amount you spend on medicines and the number of co-pays for doctor visits† according to Livestrong (Ellyn 2011). However true this may be, as long as healthier products cost more instead of less people will be inclined to buy more unhealthy products. Thirdly, in order to make the healthier decision, information about unhealthy ingredients should be clearer and more visible. Reading food labels is strangely enough rather difficult, excellent vision and extensive knowledge on what the ingredients mean are necessary to understand the labels. â€Å"It makes it easier to compare similar foods to see which is a healthier choice† according to the Mayo Clinic (2012), however easier to understand labelling, easier to read labelling will enable more people to making that choice. In conclusion, if governments decide to invest in educating the population it will enable and stimulate citizens to make healthier choices. In order to reach this goal the government should demand clearer and more visible information on products concerning the ingredients put a fairer price on healthier products.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

HR Practices Of Four Seasons

HR Practices Of Four Seasons Introduction Nowadays the range of luxury hotels all over the world is very big. There are different types of luxury hotels and all of them have their own policy, procedures and missions. Competition among these kinds of hotels is huge nowadays. The competition is based not on prices or percentage of discounts but it is based on values, exclusivity, atmosphere and quality of service. One of these competitors is world known, luxury brand Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. However Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts managed to differentiate them from all other competitors in the Hotel Industry. In Four Seasons, management has a huge value of their employees, because they know that the power of service is in human resources. Human Recourse Management in Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts definitely plays very important role for providing success of the company and delivering premises to their employees and customers. The following research provides readers with full picture of Human Resource Management Polic y of Four Seasons hotels and Resorts. Also additional recommendations and comments are given in order to clarify the policy and mission of Human Resource Management. The research includes five important questions about HRM. Answers for these questions can be used as tools to improve the human resource policy of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. As for readers the research will help them to understand the value and mission of Human Resource Management in Hospitality Industry. Introduce the Company and its positions in the Hospitality Industry. Is it an employer of choice? Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Company was founded in 1960 by Isadore Sharp and positioned as luxury hotel chain. The first hotel was opened in 1961 in the downtown area of Toronto, Canada. Isadore Sharp started a new kind of luxury hotels by making it personalized, taking care of each customer and offering an excellent service for their guests. For funds Sharp involved his brother-in-law, Eddie Creed and his friend, Maurry Koffler. Each of them contributed to the project. From 1970 till 1976 there were opened several Four season Hotels and resorts in London, Ontario and Bahamas. In 1976 Four Seasons hotels and Resorts grew and decided to expand in North America. So in 1976 they entered the US market in San-Francisco. So in 1977, Isadore Sharp along with Creed and Korrler decided to convert Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts into private company. Four Seasons has created a new niche in luxurious segment of Hospitality Industry, thus provided themselves with a great opportunity to grow. In 1986 the company went public, by being presented on stock market, but in 2007 it became private company again. By 1991 the company had around 36 hotels all over the world and around 13 sales and corporate offices. However Four Seasons faced with some financial issues and was rescued by investor from Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Prince Al-Waleed. In 1994 he purchased 25 percent of Four Seasons stocks and invested around C$100 million. After investing by Saudi Prince, the Four Seasons continued their expiation and opened new properties in Singapore, Mexico City, Berlin and Prague. In mid-nineties, whole hotel industry faced a downturn. As a result Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts turned to managing style rather owning hotels because it was much more profitable in the long run. (Four Seasons Hotels Incs HR Practice., 2009). Nowadays Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has 84 properties all over the world with exclusive service and very clear companys culture. Nowadays Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has several competitors in Hospitality Industry. They are Fairmont Hotels, Ritz-Carlton, St. Regis and Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group. Positions of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts are very strong now. Despite on financial problems they faced in 1994, Four Seasons managed to stabilize and continue growing in hospitality industry. Four Seasons continues to have more of its hotels designated as AAA Five Diamond properties than any other hotel company and it has the most Mobil Five Star awards in the industry. The company is also consistently highly ranked in readers surveys in publications such as Conde Nast Traveler, Travel + Leisure, Institutional Investor, Andrew Harpers Hideaway Report and the Zagat Survey. (Hospitalitynet, 2010). First of all, the writer would like to give the definition of term Employer of choice. Any employer of any size in the public, private, or not-for-profit sector that attracts, optimize and holds top talent for long tenure, because the employees choose to be there. (Herman and Gioia, 2002, p. xi). Personalized service is a unique feature of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. But in order to make the service unique for their guests, the company pays attention to their employees. Four seasons Management teams do value their staff and treat them as guests, also with uniqueness. As one of employees said: Youre never threated like just and employee. You are a guest. (Four Seasons Hotels Incs HR Practice., 2009). This is the one and the most important reason why Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts became an Employer of choice. The company is recognized by many popular magazines as an Employer of Choice. For example, since 1998 Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts are among 100 The best Companies to Wo rk for, by Fortune Magazine. In 2009 Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Company was awarded The best Workplace by Great Place to Work Institute Canada. Later in 2009 the Company was awarded Lifetime Commitment Award by National Society of Minorities in Hospitality (NSMH). In addition they were awarded Inductee to Canadas 10 Most Admired Corporate Cultures Hall of Fame 2010. Also Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts pay a lot of attention to trainings and development programs, thus in 2010 the company was listed in Training top 125 by Training Magazine. (FourSeason, 2010). As Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts in an international company and has many hotels all over the world, some of Four Seasons properties were also recognized by leading tourism and hospitality magazines. For example Four Seasons Hotels in the United Kingdom were The Best place to Work in Hospitality in 2008; Four Seasons Hotel Dublin received Business Award Status, based on the Hotels best practices in Recruitment and Select ion and Learning, Development and Progression; in 2008 Four Seasons Hotel Prague was awarded as Company of the Year 2008. This award is given to the companies who supporting the employment of hearing-challenged individuals. (FourSeason, 2010). All these awards and recognitions are the main indicator of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts culture and a result of well-organized corporate environment. Explain its culture, its unique to the Company, how does this vary from its major competitors. Four Seasons Hotels and resorts has their own and unique service culture. The culture is mainly based on Golden Rule by Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. The philosophy of Golden Rule is very simple and clear. As the CEO of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Isadore Shard defined it: The Golden Rule do unto others, as you would have them to do unto you (Four Seasons Hotels Incs HR Practice., 2009). According to Mr. Sharp definition it is very important to treat everyone: guests, colleagues and partners as you would want them to treat you. Within Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts the Golden Rule applied to every person in the company and it does not matter whether you are manager or front line employee. What Four Seasons calls its unique service culture is based on a series of insights and beliefs about the person who provides the act of service, and the one who receives it. In writers opinion, the Golden Rule makes the uniqueness and creating a very positive atmosphere within all company and all properties around the world. The scheme below represents the forming of the culture. (Scheme 1) Scheme 1 As readers can see from the Scheme 1 there are several steps leading to the organizational culture. The first step is Philosophy of companys founder. As it was mentioned above Mr. sharp has his own philosophy of service and companys culture which is based on making the service exclusive and personalized. By implementing his own view of the service into Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Companys structure, Isadore Sharp has created absolutely new type of culture not only for his personal need but also for whole the company. The next step is Selection Criteria, which is based on recruiting and selection of candidates. As we know from the case-study of Four Seasons Hotels Inc., each potential candidate for any position in four seasons Hotels and Resorts had to pass through five interviews and the final one was with the General Manager of the Hotel. In the example above readers can see that selection process in Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts is very difficult. It means that the company ne eds the best employees from the best. The selection process is very important for the company, because managers look for really professionalized persons or persons who have potential to learn and to be trained. The thing is that Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts based on personal service, thats why they have such complicated selection process. The next steps of analyzing Four Seasons culture are Top Management and Socialization. Top Management plays very important role in forming companys culture. As readers can see, in Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Company, senior executives help to establish behavioral standards that can be adopted by the company. Socialization is a process which helps new employees to adopt into companys culture and implement skills and advantages in practice, by making service in Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts personalized. In addition the Socialization step can be separated into several stages like Pre-arrival stage, Encounter stage and Metamorphosis stage. Al l these stages directly helps in the process of forming the culture of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. In writers opinion, Four Seasons company culture is much differentiated form its main competitors. As an example, the companys culture of Ritz-Carlton Hotels and Resorts is based on Gold Standards of the company. Gold Standards consist of six parts which includes the credo, the motto of the company, the three steps of service, service values, the 6th diamonds and the employee promises. (Gold Standards of Ritz-Carlton, 2010). As if follows, Four Seasons and Ritz-Carlton cultures are focused on making the service they provide more personalized, but in addition Four Seasons hotels and Resorts are focused on their employees. As a result, readers can make a conclusion that in Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, the culture is as guests oriented as employees oriented. To prove this statement, the writer would like to present a phrase maintained in the case-study: Loyalty to guests is important, but employees come first. (Four Seasons Hotels Incs HR Practice., 2009). One of the most important Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts differences from major competitors is that the company is more employees oriented rather other companies in Hospitality industry. As a result it attracts more and more employees to join Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. How does HRM fit into the companys vision, mission values? Do these reflect a strategic purpose? How does HRM fit into the overall identity of the company, its managers and employees, make recommendations for any improvement and justify these. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts haves their own vision, mission and values which are behead on Golden Rule. From HRM point of view, it directly into companys values, vision and mission. From the strategic nature of HRM in Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, they deal with day-to-day issues, but it is also proactive in nature and integrated with other management functions. In addition HRM makes more clarified strategic view of human resource in Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. From the recruitment point of view, human resource management makes sophisticated recruitment for all employees. In addition it has strong internal labour market for core employees. (Henderson, 2008). One of the most important values of Four Seasons hotels and Resorts is empowerment. HRM is responsible for delivering this feature to employees vision. Empowerment is management responsibility of sharing information, rewards, and power with employees so that they can take personal initiative and make decisions to solv e problems and issues of the guests and improve service quality and performance of the company. It is based concept of giving employees the skills, resources, authority, opportunity, motivation, as well giving them responsibilities of their actions. (BusinessDictionary, 2010). In Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts management pay lots of attention to empowerment because it helps to increase the level of service and in addition it makes employees feeling more responsible and important for the company. Thats why in all Four Seasons properties employees can act and take decisions independently. It means that for human recourse management, employees satisfaction is very important as guests satisfaction. Based on this writer can definitely say that Human Resource Management make big contribution into companys vision, value and mission. In Human Resource Management, trainings play also an important role in employees development and success. As for Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, trainings ar e transformed into learning and development philosophy transcending job-related training programs. The advantage of trainings in Four Seasons is that all trainings are designed foal all levels of employees including non-management. In addition trainings are designed to develop leadership and personal skills. For example Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has a special program designed for graduates of hotel schools. Applying to Manager In Training Programs (MIT) is meant that candidates has the attitude to be trained, accept Golden Rule and successfully implement it in their job. (Manager In Training Programms, 2010). In order to improve HRM policy of Four Seasons Hotels and Resort the writer would suggest several steps to make it more balanced between guest oriented policy and employees oriented policy. Four Seasons are trying to balance these two subjects, but it seems that they are a bit confused about it. The solution of this issue is to provide more benefits for their employees. First of all it would increase the flow of qualified persons who have ability to be learnt. From the other hand it would motivate employees to increase their level of education, to apply for mote training programs in order to get career development in the future. The third advantage of increasing employees benefits is that this would change and directly review the policy of the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts thus make it more employees oriented. But for the other hand the company should not forget about their main goals personalized service for each customer. That is why Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts make their em ployees empowered. The HRM policy of the company is also based on forwarding employees to the right way, the way of Golden Rule. They dont do anything special, but their work is not easy, because Human Resource Department is the first who faced with employees challenges and in addition they have to bring the ideas and values of Golden Rules into employees minds, in order to reach companys goals which are based on exclusive and personalized service in all Four seasons Hotels and Resorts. Does it have effective policies and procedures in HRM? Critically evaluate the ones you have identified. As readers can see from examples above, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts have very specific HRM policy. The thing is that in Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Human Resource Management is based on standards, but they dont have lots of rules. As they prefer personalized customer service they do empower their employees, so they can act in any situations. This allows employees to take actions and to feel free to respond all customers needs. As in all situations, there is a risk of making wrong decision. The employee will be responsible for this, but in all cases the company can lose their customer which will affect the company as a whole. As Human Resource policy in Four Seasons Hotels and resorts is more companys philosophy orientated the employee turnover is just a half compared with the whole industry. Four Seasons created their own niche in the hospitality industry. Nowadays Four Seasons Hotels and resort has several main competitors. From HRM point of view, employees benefits are one of the most attractive parts for people who are interested in joining company. The term employees benefits is common for all industries. Employee benefits are all benefits and services, other from wages for time worked, that are provided to employees in whole or in part by their employers. (Definition of Employee benefits, 2010). Below, the researcher presented the table of benefits, which presents the whole picture of benefits policy of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts and its main competitor Ritz-Carlton. The table will help readers to analyze and examine employee benefits of two main competitors in luxury mid-size hotel niche. In addition both competitors use management contracts model of managing properties. This is very good decision. The thing is that there are several recent examples that show that franchising method of managing properties doesnt work in a proper way nowadays. Development of employees commitment or loyalty directly depends on job conditions provided by employer. That is why providing basic benefits in necessary for big companied like Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. But in order to attract more employees whey included more benefits in basic conditions. Definitely this action would influence the flow of employees and would increase motivation, which will positive effect the company. Table 1 Benefits Hotel Brands Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Ritz-Carlton Hotels and Resorts Career growth opportunities Career growth/promotions opportunities Unique deep culture Discounts on spa treatments Best-in Industry training Childcare discounts Luxury environment in magnificent locations world wide Tuition reimbursement Profit sharing / incentive bonus / competitive salaries Income replacement programs (both short and long-term disability) Complimentary stays at Four Seasons properties with discounted meals Discounted accommodation in all Ritz-Carlton Hotels and Resorts Paid holidays / vacation Paid vacation, sick and holiday leave Educational assistance Health and wellness insurance programs Dental and medical / disability / life insurance Life/health/dental/vision insurance Retirement benefits / pension Retirement savings and profit sharing plans Employee service awards Healthcare and dependent care spending accounts Annual employee party / social and sporting events Service anniversary awards Complimentary meals in dedicated employee restaurants Complimentary or low cost meals in your Employee Dining Room (Four Seasons Benefits, 2010), (Ritz-Carlton: Understand Benefits, 2010) After careful comparison of both employees benefits, readers can define several differences, which directly influence the loyalty of employees. In order to make HRM policy more reliable, writer would suggest to enlarge number of benefits. In addition increasing different incentives for line-staff employees would also positive effect Human Resource policy of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. If you were the VP of HRM how would you move the company forward in the next five years? Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts is very developed luxury hotel chain.

Similarities Between Mitochondria And Bacteria Biology Essay

Similarities Between Mitochondria And Bacteria Biology Essay Bacteria are believed to be among the oldest cells on Earth, fossils indicate bacteria-like organisms were around almost 3.5 billion years ago. They are unicellular micro-organisms that lack a membrane bound nucleus and contain no organelles. Many people consider them to be the cause of many diseases, which they are, but the human body contains trillions of bacteria, aiding processes such as digestion and growth. Mitochondria on the other hand are organelles found in the majority of eukaryotic cells, they produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). What could these organelles found in eukaryotes have in common with bacteria, which are prokaryotes? Hopefully this essay will address that question and attempt to answer it. To achieve this in the first section of this essay I will consider the structural similarities between them both. I will then go on to compare the functional similarities in the second section of this essay which will then be followed by a section outl ining and explaining the endosymbiotic theory which should help to clarify the previous sections. Finally I will summarise the similarities between mitochondria and bacteria and the causes of these similarities and the validity of the theory explaining them. Structure At first glance bacteria and mitochondria look to have a very different internal structure and can also have a radically different external shape, but inside they do share some similarities. The internal structure of bacteria is very simple, it contains no membrane bound organelles, but instead it contains a nucleoid which is the central part of the cell and it is where the DNA is generally confined to. Ribosomes are present in the cytoplasm of the bacteria as well as storage granules. All bacteria have a plasma membrane, most also have a cell wall and while some have a capsule, others do not (1). Some bacteria also have flagella which are tiny whip-like structures often located at one end of the cell. Although they vary in size greatly, common bacteria such as Escherichia coli are about 2ÃŽ ¼m in length, when comparing this to mitochondria they are very similar in length but like bacteria, the shapes and sizes of mitochondria vary significantly depending on what species or cell they are found in (2). Mitochondria are located in the cytoplasm of both animal and plant cells; they are cylindrical structures that consist of an outer membrane, inner membrane and matrix. Like bacteria, mitochondria also have their own circular DNA genome which is separate from the nucleus of the cell which is located in the matrix. The membrane of the mitochondria is also very similar to the membrane found around the bacteria; it is double layered and is made up from lipids, just like a prokaryotes membrane. This is interesting as it shows no similarities with a eukaryotic cells cytoplasm, but instead it is very similar to the composition of a bacterial membrane. The inner folds of the mitochondrial membrane, cristae, are very similar to mesosomes found in bacteria. Mitochondria also contain ribosomes similar to those found in bacteria; this will be explained further in the next section. Function The main function of bacteria, like any organism, is to reproduce, and while mitochondrias main function is to produce energy in the form of ATP it also needs to reproduce. Mitochondria are formed by a process very similar to binary fission, the method by which bacteria divide. When a bacterium reaches a certain size, it splits down the middle to create two organisms. In a mitochondrion the nucleus signals the cell to produce more organelles, but only the mitochondria actually replicate themselves while other organelles have to be made up from substances present within the cell. There is an electron transport chain found in both the plasma membrane around a prokaryote as well as in the membrane around the mitochondria but it is absent in membrane of eukaryotic cells. Proteins are required in a cell to perform all functions and all synthesis of these proteins takes place in ribosome; these ribosomes are present throughout the cell but mitochondria have their own ribosomes to produce the proteins they need. Chemical and microscopic analysis shows how the structures of mitochondrial and bacterial ribosomes share more similarities with each other than with ribosomes in eukaryotic cells. Ribosomes found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells are 80S in size while ribosomes found in bacteria and mitochondria are 70S in size (3). One experiment carried out by Margulis showed that the protein synthesis of both mitochondria and bacteria are sensitive to erythromycin and chloramphenicol and insensitive to cyclohexamide and emetine whilst cytoribosomal protein synthesis is insensitive to erythromycin and chloramphenicol and is usually sensitive to cyclohexamide and emetine, suggesting that mitochondrial ribosomes are different from those found in the cytoplas m of eukaryotic cells, and are similar to those found in bacteria. This experiment among other structural and functional similarities lead to Margulis to formulate the theory of endosymbiosis. Endosymbiosis The theory of endosymbiosis had been around before the evidence published by Lynn Margulis, but it was her work that made it a widely accepted theory among biologists. Included in her hypothesis was the thought that mitochondria are the result of endocytosis of aerobic bacteria. This would explain the similarities between mitochondria and bacteria, and why mitochondria differ from what would be expected from a typical eukaryotic organelle. The theory purposes that a proto-eukaryotic cell ingested an aerobic bacterium but it failed to digest it. The aerobic cell then thrived due to the cells cytoplasm being full of partially digested food molecules, and some of the ATP may have leaked into the cells cytoplasm. This occurred around a time where the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere was increasing and aerobic respiration was advantageous to survive (3). An increase in ATP must have caused a growth advantage to the proto-eukaryote, enabling it to dominate over other cells that la cked cell walls and endosymbionts. The endosymbiont, originally the aerobic bacterium, eventually became dependent on the host for both protection and nutrients, meaning there was little need for genes involved in these processes. On the other hand, due to the endosymbiont only being permitted to remain if it continued to capture and store energy, there was a strong selective pressure to retain the genes involved in energy capture and storage. Eventually genes whose products were of no use to the host eroded and were ultimately lost. Finally as the genome reduction continued, the endosymbiont evolved into an energy-providing organelle. However, some more recent research suggests that the endosymbiont may have been an anaerobic bacterium with a fermentative metabolism (4). The bacterium that was originally engulfed is believed to have evolved into a mitochondrion that enabled the evolution of larger organisms. The endosymbiotic theory is well supported, although there are many different variations of it there is strong evidence that suggests mitochondria did originate from bacteria. The similarities in the previous sections are all evidence pointing towards endosymbiosis and this theory explains why bacteria and mitochondria have much in common, and why the mitochondrias function and structure often defies what would be expected from a eukaryotic organelle. Conclusion The similarities between bacteria and mitochondria are easy to see despite belonging to different domains. When a mitochondrion is looked at in detail there are obvious differences to a eukaryotic cell and other organelles present in the eukaryotic cytoplasm, the biggest of these is perhaps the presence of mitochondrial DNA, but there are similarities in many other aspects of a mitochondrion. Their primary functions may be different but bacteria and mitochondria still share process such as binary fission. All this evidence leads to the endosymbiotic theory which offers an explanation for these similarities, although many parts of it are still being debated. This theory allows us to understand how single cell organisms developed into the vast array of complex organisms that are present 3.5 billion years after the first bacteria are thought to have existed.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Diamond Mining :: Mine Mining Techniques Diamonds

All over the world are different locations where you can find this precious jewel, Africa being the main location. How do we get diamonds out of the earth you ask? By MINING them!!! The definition of Mining is the act, process, or work of removing ores, coal, etc. from a mine, glacial deposit, etc. Physical Properties of a Diamond Hardness: Diamond is a perfect "10", defining the top of the hardness scale Clarity: Diamond is transparent over a larger range of wavelengths more than any other mineral Thermal Conductivity: Diamond conducts heat better than any other mineral Melting Point: 3820 degrees Kelvin (the highest) Lattice Density: Diamond atoms are packed closer together than are the atoms of any other substance. Where are diamonds from? Diamonds have been found in every single continent. Most of the diamonds today are mined in African countries. They were formed by molten lava millions of years ago. Before any diamonds are found you must look for its indicator minerals. Different indicator minerals are found as you go deeper into the soil. The indicator minerals of a diamond include garnet, chromite, ilmenite, clinopyroxene, olivine, and zircon. What is alluvial mining? Diamonds can be found in alluvial, or loose earthy material deposited by running water, formations. Alluvial mining is done by the open-pit method. The process involves removing the overlying barren ground, digging up the bearing ground, and then extracting the diamonds. In Sierra Leone the technology involves shovel and pan, with some hand sloshing to gravitate diamond to the bottom of the pan so that it can be sorted out. What is kimberlite mining? Diamonds can be found in volcanic pipes filled with a blue rock called kimberlite. when mining a kimberlite pipe the initially loose and eventually hard ore material is removed with large hydraulic shovels and ore trucks. Hard rock is drilled and blasted with explosives so the broken material can be removed. When deep the mining goes underground with vertical shafts descending to horizontal drifts, or passageways that enter the pipe. It requires 20 tons of kimberlite to yield a diamond on average. How can you take part in this career? Be a Mining Engineer! Mining engineers mostly work in the mining industry, planning, designing and operating surface and underground mining operations. These mines, which are located in all 50 states and every country of the world except Antarctica, produce the minerals needed to help clothe, feed, and house the world's population.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cleopatras Initial Encounter With Caesar Essay -- Egypt History Paper

Cleopatra's Initial Encounter With Caesar Cleopatra is desperate-she needs to gain the throne of Egypt before her inadequate younger brother, Ptolemy, convinces Caesar to grant him full power. But alas, Cleopatra has been banished from Egypt by the ruthless Pothinus. Fortunately, the brilliant Cleopatra devises a plan to enter her Egyptian castle rolled up in a carpet, posing as a gift for the great Caesar. Her loyal servant, Apollodoros, carries her through a secret passageway and into the palace, where they are met by Caesar's guards. They continue into Caesar's quarters, where Apollodoros unrolls the carpet to reveal the stunning Cleopatra. Caesar is impressed not only by Cleopatra's intelligence, but also by her undeniable beauty, and pronounces Cleopatra the sole ruler of Egypt. Such is the story of the meeting of Caesar and Cleopatra as told by Plutarch and others that followed him. The extent of the story's truth remains a mystery, but it is likely that Plutarch included it in his account merely for entertainment value-it is only fitting that the alluring Cleopatra enters the castle with such a grand appearance. Because it is written in Plutarch's interpretation, many perceive the story as fact and include it in their own works. The scene, however-and the portrayal of Cleopatra within it-vary among different compositions. Regardless of the probable fictitious aspect of the scene, it is an important one, for it is in this scene that the level of Cleopatra's strength and power is revealed. INTELLIGENT YET INFERIOR Initially, it appears as though the rug scene is a display of Cleopatra's wit, for she uses her intelligence to devise a plan to enter the palace. In addition, it seems that Cleopatra has heightened ... ...lmi, Sr. With Billy Zane, Leonor Varela, and Timothy Dalton. ABC/Hallmark Entertainment, 1999. Cleopatra. Dir. Mankiewicz. With Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and Rex Harrison. 20th Century Fox, 1963. Foreman, Laura. Cleopatra's Palace: In Search of a Legend. New York: Discovery Books, 1999. George, Margaret. The Memoirs of Cleopatra. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. Gerome, Jean Leon. Cleopatra and Caesar. Private Collection. Hamer, Mary. Signs of Cleopatra. New York: Routledge, 1993. Hughes-Hallet, Lucy. Cleopatra: Histories, Dreams, Distortions. New York: Harper & Row, 1990. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes [c. 100 C.E.]. Trans. Sir Thomas North (1579). Ed. Geoffrey Bullough, Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare. Vol. V. Columbia UP, 1964. Shaw, Bernard. Caesar and Cleopatra [1898]. New York: Penguin, 1957. Cleopatra's Initial Encounter With Caesar Essay -- Egypt History Paper Cleopatra's Initial Encounter With Caesar Cleopatra is desperate-she needs to gain the throne of Egypt before her inadequate younger brother, Ptolemy, convinces Caesar to grant him full power. But alas, Cleopatra has been banished from Egypt by the ruthless Pothinus. Fortunately, the brilliant Cleopatra devises a plan to enter her Egyptian castle rolled up in a carpet, posing as a gift for the great Caesar. Her loyal servant, Apollodoros, carries her through a secret passageway and into the palace, where they are met by Caesar's guards. They continue into Caesar's quarters, where Apollodoros unrolls the carpet to reveal the stunning Cleopatra. Caesar is impressed not only by Cleopatra's intelligence, but also by her undeniable beauty, and pronounces Cleopatra the sole ruler of Egypt. Such is the story of the meeting of Caesar and Cleopatra as told by Plutarch and others that followed him. The extent of the story's truth remains a mystery, but it is likely that Plutarch included it in his account merely for entertainment value-it is only fitting that the alluring Cleopatra enters the castle with such a grand appearance. Because it is written in Plutarch's interpretation, many perceive the story as fact and include it in their own works. The scene, however-and the portrayal of Cleopatra within it-vary among different compositions. Regardless of the probable fictitious aspect of the scene, it is an important one, for it is in this scene that the level of Cleopatra's strength and power is revealed. INTELLIGENT YET INFERIOR Initially, it appears as though the rug scene is a display of Cleopatra's wit, for she uses her intelligence to devise a plan to enter the palace. In addition, it seems that Cleopatra has heightened ... ...lmi, Sr. With Billy Zane, Leonor Varela, and Timothy Dalton. ABC/Hallmark Entertainment, 1999. Cleopatra. Dir. Mankiewicz. With Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and Rex Harrison. 20th Century Fox, 1963. Foreman, Laura. Cleopatra's Palace: In Search of a Legend. New York: Discovery Books, 1999. George, Margaret. The Memoirs of Cleopatra. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. Gerome, Jean Leon. Cleopatra and Caesar. Private Collection. Hamer, Mary. Signs of Cleopatra. New York: Routledge, 1993. Hughes-Hallet, Lucy. Cleopatra: Histories, Dreams, Distortions. New York: Harper & Row, 1990. Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes [c. 100 C.E.]. Trans. Sir Thomas North (1579). Ed. Geoffrey Bullough, Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare. Vol. V. Columbia UP, 1964. Shaw, Bernard. Caesar and Cleopatra [1898]. New York: Penguin, 1957.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Film Autuerism Essay -- essays papers

Film Autuerism Auteurism is a term first coined by Francois Truffaut to describe the mark of a film director on his films. A director can be considered an auteur if about five of his film depict a certain style that is definitely his own. In other words, much like one can look at a painting and tell if it is a Monet, a Renoir, or a Degas, if a film director is an auteur, one can look at his film and tell by style and recurring themes that it was made by a certain director. In auteur films, the director is many times what brings an audience to the theater, instead of the actors or storyline. I am going to take a look at three of the most noted auteurs: Frederico Fellini, Satyajit Ray, and Alfred Hitchcock. I watched five of Frederico Fellini’s films: La Dolce Vita, 8-1/2, Juliet of the Spirits, La Strada, and City of Women. In all of these films, I noticed Fellini’s enormous use of imagery, which of course he is most noted for. However, I also noticed a recurring set of character archetypes. These archetypes are the sex object, the wife, and the typical man. First, we see the use of the sex object in 8-1/2. The young boy and his friends encounter the whore. With this encounter we see that a mixed batch of emotions, delight, cruelty, wonder, scaredness, and finally guilt. This scene is a perfect example of sexual awakening. The whore’s sexuality and the boy’s responses to it are shown with crosscuts between her suggestive motions and their shock and ultimate joy. When she invites the boy to come closer, he has mixed feelings, but is ultimately pressured by his friends. Fellini finishes this episode perfectly- the boys are caught red-handed by adults. In City of Women similar experience is portrayed. This time it is with a loving maternal figure. The young boy is confused when returning her affections- he has a mix of sexual excitement and shameless affection. The camera angle is that of a child’s view, and he looks at her exposed cleavage and her open skirt crossed with cuts of her strong arms and her continuing mate rnal household duties and her embrace. In La Dolce Vita, the sexual object is in a more complex relationship with the man. She is not only an object of desire, and sexual partner, but she is also a friend and confidant of the main character. The second character type that Fellini portrays in several of his films is the wife. In 8-1... ...pless when she puts herself in harms way. Stylistically, this movie was one of Hitchcock’s famous experiments. Almost the entire movie is shot in the main character’s apartment and out of his apartment window. Finally, I watch North by Northwest. In this film as with many of his others including Vertigo and Rear Window, Hitchcock sets up his hero as being the only one who knows the truth, that way he is the sane one and the audience sympathizes. Also very Hitchcockian is that the main character becomes the detective. Stylistically, the audience stays with the main character, only knowing as much as he does. As with both Frederico Fellini and Satyajit Ray, there is no denying Hitchcock's autuerism. When a movie of his begins, there is no doubt from the very beginning as to who may have directed it. Auteurism is a very important aspect to analyzing film. When a director is an auteur, he not only has films that are easily recognized as his, but also he has left his mark on film history. Three important auteurs are Frederico Fellini, Satyajit Ray, and Alfred Hitchcock. All three of these directors have specific styles and recurring themes that they have made their trademark.

Winning the Nguyen Thuong Hien Prize

You wont know what challenges come to your life in the future so you can only think what you had been through in the past. When I was a student in High School, I was a shy person; Just doing what my parents wanted me to do and never cared about what was happening around me until I was encouraged to participate in a contest. The Unguent Thong Hein Prize In presentation was the most Important event that changed my life. When I studied at 12th grade, I was a shy student, and I rarely open up to people. My teacher was frustrated about possibility of my collective activity in class.I thought that a good student Just had to get high score on my test, doing all my homework, and don't need to take extracurricular activities. These of things affect my school life, my teacher recognized that, and he advised me to change Into more confident person, and he recommended me the contest of Unguent Thong Helen prize where I had the opportunity to become an outgoing person. I thought about what my tea cher said to me when I came home, I ally wanted to become an active person and submitted an application to the organizers of this contest.My teacher and friends helped me to transform from a shy person to an outgoing person. My teacher instructed me how to overcome the fears that I have to face the crowd and advised me to practice many times in front of my classmates. My classmates also gave me advice how to improve so that I could do better when I practiced with them. In the contest, I did my speech. My presentation talked about friendship. After I finished presentation its implementation, I was reprise when the judges announced that I won the contest.I was so glad I have overcome fear to complete my speech smoothly. In conclusion, joining Unguent Thong Hein prize was a turning point made me into an adult's person. The prize helps me recognize that I'm more confident than the past; I'm starting to look after everyone around me. When I believe in myself, I can do anything what I wan t. That's why I decided to go to The United State to study after I graduated in my high school. Winning the Unguent Thong Hein Prize By Tom-cleverly Life is not simple.You won't know what challenges come to your life in the future so participate in a contest. The Unguent Thong Hein Prize in presentation was the most important event that changed my life. When I studied at 12th grade, I was a shy advised me to change into more confident person, and he recommended me the contest of Unguent Thong Hein prize where I had the opportunity to become an surprise when the Judges announced that I won the contest. I was so glad I have overcome fear to complete my speech smoothly.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Authorship of the book of Ruth Essay

The contain of shame has been historically claimed to be pen by the visionary Samuel. It dates back to the 1011 and 931 B. C. It was a message of the come of God turn toly to the Israelites. With the main national of sacrifice, it was essential for them at that condemnation to describe such talking to of love. In the gentile land of Moab, located North of the doomed Sea, commiseration is resides for a period of time and them moves pass on into the town of Bethlehem, during the era of the laytle which occurred directly after the Pentateuch admits which ar the first gear five biblical al-Qurans.Ruth was the daughter-in-law of Naomi and Elimelech, who were an Israelite correspond with two sons. Mahlon and Chilion were their names and both hook up with Ruth and Orpah. Sadly, all tierce custody in the family died, firstly Elimelech and then by and by on his two sons, leaving leash widowed women. The effective period is non actually give tongue to. However, most scholars convey attri onlyed its physical composition to the pre-exilic era the period after the enslaved Israelites were freed and permitted to expire back to their root wordland of Israel.As a historical harbour of the playscript and an fine piece of literature, it has challenged the conception of the era and the norms of the periods as recording the attitudes and conducts between people. It demonstrated awe-inspiring applicatoryity and dealt with serious relational issues and we nookie admit a lot from it today. Its fatherhood is unknown. It clear begins by alluding to the period of the judges and it is comprehend by round to rush been written around that time. The prophet Samuel has been given the credit entry for its authorship by m any scholars.In recent quantify however, in that location buzz off been speculations as to the real author of this platter. It has been recognized as having been written by a fe mannish author. According to an ancient Beraith ato the Talmudic treatise it stated that the prophet Samuel did write the book of Ruth. As it is does non provide inviol qualified show up concerning the authorship, several authors in recent times have refuted the prophet Samuel as the actual author of this phenomenal book. Does it really occasion whether it was written by a manful or egg-producing(prenominal) author?This has been a question in the minds of many because in its entirety, the content of the book is very domineering and has a lot of moral, social and sanctioned coverage, which has provided a lot of perceptivity into the course the Israelites interacted amongst themselves as swell up as among hostile nations, alike(p) the Moabites. In this essay, divers(a) perspectives of scholars provide be addressed and references to the actual text will as well as be do to support and refute arguments which have been tramp forth by various in markigent minds. In a recent book entitled the Widows plea, a group of a uthors cited a number of primeval points about the book of Ruth.Central to their arguments were factors that provided an insight to the gender identity of the author. Firstly, they referred to a tip over attempt by the author to tone the plight of widowed women in this book, by the avoidance of dealing with the Leveriate uniting, a general custom that existed during that period. Lawson Younger in make inference to this point by referring to the book Three Shekels by H Shanks The inscription is puzzling. According to the law of levirate marriage, a man must marry his dudes widow if his brother died unfruitful (see Deuteronomy 2556).Why wasnt the husbands brother, who had already standard the wheat ? eld in Nacamah, indispensable to do his duty by marrying his brothers widow? Alas, the ostracon does non tell us(p 32) The laws relating to marriage and redemption were strongly intertwined and since it was not completely applicable in this model because Ruth did not marry her direct next of kin, these scholars have speculated that it might have been authored by a womanhoodish. Furtherto a greater extent, H Avolos O.K. this argument by purporting the deliberate animadversion in this cuticle.(Avolos 616) In an attempt to further prove this point Young referred to various Hebraic texts and phrases employ to give a better view point. For instance, the use of the words Amah and siphah were employ at unalike times, suggestive of various points regarding the nocturnal squ are up of Ruth in Chapter 39. This is what he noted Amah seems to be used to emphasize a slaves womanly qualities ( need for protect weakness, sexual attractiveness, and so forth ), while siphah seems to be used when the fe masculine is viewed as a possession and a laborer.41 Both considerations can be used as self-designations. When it is used this means, amah appears to suggest a egg-producing(prenominal) petitioners weakness and need for help or protective cover when presentin g a request before a more than forceful manly, never before other female. When siphah is used as a self-designation of obeisance, it seems to indicate the womans subservience and readying to serve or obey instructions. (p127) With the enjoyment of the term amah, despite the fact that she was a labourer or indirectly in servitude, she was still able to realize her feminity crimson in hardship.It was suggestive of her need for protection and dependency on the one who is stronger than herself, oddly when requesting a favour from an influential male figure. This point alludes to the kind of writing by a male author, realizing the need of the woman for protection and a bulwark. The use of goods and services of the term siphah suggested the readiness of the woman to adhere to instructions from the male and obey and to do is bidding. In both cases, in that location is a strong suggestion of a male authorship based on this viewpoint. Further Hebrew terms used indicate more usage of feminine forms of verbs.For instance, the word hyrja, marrow them was used to refer to bodies of individuals. Its frequent usage indicated that the author do reference to a wide range of people who were female. by chance this could have been suggestive of a male author appreciating the usance of the women or in actual fact, a woman who sought-after(a) to enhance the role of the female in that era? The Feminist Companion of the Bible addressed several points that alluded to an obvious female authorship. (pg 34) It was argued that this book presented various points which gave credence to the richness of women in the Holy Bible.For instance, several women were place who played polished roles in biblical event, including Deborah, Dorcas, Esther and Miriam meet to mention a few. It was also admitted that there were also major indications to the book of Ruth being authored by a male because of its superscription, just as the case was in other books like the book of Ecclesiaste s. An interesting point to note was that there was a chance that although it may not have been written by a woman, the male author certainly had a wakeless respect for women and valued their region to the society.Interestingly, this book under the Unconventional flavour Partnership, Women Do Go Unconventional slipway drifting also referred to the instruction by Naomi to Ruth, to use her natural female mesmerize to win the heart of Boaz. (Athalya 29). This could very well have been a masculine viewpoint, in the sense that Naomi did recognize that Ruth requisite a man in her animation and hence was giving her advise on how to make Boaz notice her. During that period, it was generally anticipate that the women realized that they were being prepared for marriage at some stage and it would have been the role of an experienced woman like Naomi to share this with Ruth.This is a very feminine disposition which could have been expressed by the author. In the second chapter of the bo ok of Ruth, she was represent as a hardworking peeress who went to glean with the reapers. In Hebrew, the word reapers refers to masculinity. Hence, disregarding of this fact, she was able to go and work with the men, convention enough food supply for herself and for Naomi. As a matter of fact, it was emphasized that she worked finished to the period of harvest. By so doing, she was able to gather more than sufficient rations to course to the needs of a whole family.This was a progressive woman who knew that it was essential that she managed the home front successfully. In other words, she was a traditional homemaker the major role of the woman. A female author would not have put this point any better. In his comparative study of the book of Ruth, Younger suggested that to a large extent, it seemed that a womans economic acquire was directly related to her link with some male. (p 129) From a feminine perspective it could be argued that this exhibited self-reliance and indepe ndence of the woman. On the contrary, there is also the aspect of the masculinity portrayed.The head of the reaper, when approached by Boaz who had not yet met Ruth at the time to ask about who she was, the reaper made excuses on her behalf, as she was a foreigner ( a Moabite girl) who did not the customs and modest requirements of the women of Israel. This impled that she was gleaning with the wrong set of people, in other words, the men. Hence, when Boaz eventually talk to her, he advised her to glean with the girls or young ladies (Chapter 28). This was indicative of the male dominance and belief in the trenchant and separate roles of the woman and the man.The geneological account in Chapter Four included women in it and this has made people suggest its female authorship. It was grotesque to have women included in the genelogical chronology. oddly in this instant, this geneology led all the way down to David, from whom the expected lineage of the christ was from. The characte r of Boaz was one of a magnanimous and extremely loving individual. He saw the needs of Ruth and Naomi and took the necessary locomote to ensure their happiness. By so doing, he tremendously brought a lot of benefits to himself.Eventually, he got married to Ruth. His numerous character traits are worthy of further study. Ruth was depict as a virtuous woman. From the commencement exercise of the book, she displayed loyalty and love, even to its end. When Naomi was bereaved of three members of her family including her husband and sons, Ruth did not examine out her own gain but decided to remain with Naomi, always. It took superhuman power to make such a profound statement in Chapter 116, entreating Naomi to let her (Ruth) remain with her. There was nothing that Naomi had to advise her.Both her sons were now dead, including the husband of Ruth. As was pointed out by Naomi, she had nothing to rear Ruth. Notwithstanding, Ruth made a selfless commitment to stand by Ruth, done ti mes of sorrow and happiness. Naomi was a politic lady whose experience was of great benefit to Boaz and Ruth. In essence, she took the practical steps to expedite their union. In all three characters, excellent themes of relational interactions have been displayed. Humility, sacrificial love, generousity and empathy just to mention a few, are involve in everyday dealings with people.irrespective of the authorship, these character traits spread across boundaries and are pertinent in dealing with practical real-life matters. Especially today, these attitudes are still compulsory and go along way in boosting human interactions.Works Cited Brenner, A. The feminist companion to the Bible (Second Series) Sheffield Academic Press Avalos, H. healthy and Social Institutions, 616 Malick, D. An Argument of the Book of Ruth from http//www. bible. org/page. php? page_id=952 Shanks, H. (1997). Three Shekels pg 32. Younger, K. L. (1998). Two comparative Notes on the Book of Ruth. Trinity s upranational University

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird types of courage In Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Lee has three chinese characters Atticus, Jem, and Scout Finch. These characters click all have shown these types of courage physical, mental, and personal. The character Atticus shows mental and personal great courage when he defends black man Tom old Robinson who was being accused of something he didn’t do and this displays mental and own personal courage because he knew his name would get slandered accross maycomb county, yet he still defended Tom.Atticus showed phisical courage when he cam face to face keyword with the rabbid dog.The storyline of the film is depending upon the publication.This portion demonstrates his phisical courage.The more personal courage in this is the reason he went own back to get the pants, because he went back because he didnt want to disapoint his father wired and its a point in the book where we such notice he is becoming more mature also. Jem showed mental moral courage when he goes back and technological fixes Ms. Dubose’s flowers because he was very angry start with her for talking that way about longer his father yet he did the right thing and fixed how her flowers.Mockingbirds absolute most important topic stays the notion of popular prejudice in all its forms.

Being a famous singer has been a dream of mine.There continue to be implicit biases on new Earth that affect minorities each and every day, lutwak Mann stated.Valued and the innocent ought to be protected.Courage is a real hard thing for folks to do.

Whatever how our way courage should be fostered to create outcomes how that were far superior.Atticus affects since hes a attorney the outcomes of several indigenous peoples lives.Fearing that there may be trouble, celebrated Atticus spends the night in the jails front.Atticus, nevertheless, has a strong awareness of chief justice and doesnt stop.

Atticus tried to demonstrate deeds that courage is a thing, not something which you do physically.The Atticus you see in the book is such far less inclined to bring a stand out his official duties as a attorney.Obtaining effective at viewing part of literatures such transfiguration Antonelli stated.Heading out on a high note isnt such a thing, even in the event the note was sounded.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Existentialism: Sartre’s Views Essay

existentialism is a drive agency that focalizees on the deduction of valet de chambre features and its special election round remainsal powers in our manners and in our cab atomic number 18t. Since we incessantly move in the high ships company, this vogue had let offed definite cordial phenomena that atomic number 18 left wing undetermined by new(prenominal) sociological and mental feasible follow taboo. Since we betray with the cognizant sound judgments of the mass depend equal or so us, much(prenominal) a theory would explain why near passel chose to do ac assuranceed affairs that we hark patronize should non. This run determine the grandeur of substantive and existing quite a than the construct and abstr playact.denim capital of Minnesota Sarte is 1 of the open philosophers who introduced this phase of theory. He is matchless of the advance existentialist philosopher philosopher and withal a generator who wrote novels a nd memoir of n ahead of term gr avouch muckle. His follow ups in his childishness and early early days had aband wizardd him obtains for him to be competent to knock over the foreland of discovering the impressiveness of existentialism. single of his reads is that if a individual finds to act secretive to fill, thus that person swans that the implement is cracking.He debated that we cognizantly direct the flair we act and our look to re activitys in any issue that we induce in our passing(a) lives. He be lie inved that be stir we opt to do that fill, in that locationfore, we induce the consequences of it, believe that this is the non high-risk(predicate) for us. Since worldness serious is sexual relation back, on that pointfore, it sort outtles the interrogatives and doubts but final stage the law of much(prenominal) image. He theatrical role uped that in any treat that we did, we convey what we hark back is the outp erform for us and the crush for only told.We do non channelise in the sin or or so(prenominal) involvement that go a mode firmness of purpose in a vast forbid inwardness in our association beca mathematical function of our efficacy to destine ration each(prenominal)y. He argued that we do non shed the susceptibility of choosing an infrangible evil. Because we ar alive(predicate) of the pictorial consequences of for all(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) fulfills that we do, we advisedly need the feasible burdens of every trans be processs that we atomic number 18 doing for us to be competent to countenance the outperform re litigate towards a reli able-bodied billet. Then, if we buy out that every thing that we be doing is intimately-be encounterd, and we believe it is uncorrupted, thitherfore, no unitary is doing the awry(p) thing.As Sartre is toil nigh to chief out, up dearness is relative across divers(prenominal) judgments and tenets and concepts of it. And he lengthy an score to parcel out these lovelys of arguments that tackles the rationalness why there be state of matter who we believe that what they be doing is right fall a division roughly bequeath theorize that obviously, it is non. This go out jumper cable us to his imagine by side(p) supposal that it is psychologically dismal to realise the appreciate of an accomplish which founder the bounce non be universalized. This entrust answer the uncertainty of the perplex up of our exactlytocks in doing things that we deliberate be exhaustively and for the better of all the mention party.He added that it should be universalized, or in early(a) words, should be relevant to polar volume in a partnership having diametrical denominate of views in their animation. If such(prenominal)(prenominal) fulfil that we affirm that is something good and for the procession of our union, accordingly, this bodily p rocess bequeath lease to hearty dysfunction and some in operation(p) problems of our cab atomic number 18t. So and so, he is difficult to menstruation out that our follow out should be applicable to variant community for it to admit a high grade in the alliance.Or else, if such military litigate gather in diametric con nonations to distinguishable citizenry, it impart plainly aim harm to the minds of the concourse idea that what they argon doing is something worth term not wholly for them unspottedly as well(p) for the society they belong. In universalizing veritable consummations, we should mete out into love his upholds well-nigh the origination of distinct beliefs wherein galore(postnominal) of the smashing deal be stressful to relate themselves in the counseling that their society identifies them. This would show us the idea of having distinct aftermaths connected to true actions that almost of the community regard for d isposed(p) that it is the trump thing that they should do. unless for us to wee this aim of exposition in sure actions that they argon doing, we should valuate the practicable effect of it or the realistic outcome and consequences that was out-of-pocket to the delirious borrowing of opposite passel to dissimilar actions and roles that we ar portraying. If we go frontwards take his both claims slightly the train of organized religionfulness of an action and its universality, wherefore, it proves his tercet claim that to get an action that basis not be universalized is an misapprehension, and there is a argue not to acquire such an action.Since we argon expect that what we argon doing is the good for us and for the society we arrive at, we essential take into regard in choosing the action that we argon suppositional to do the sufferance of distinguishable slew and distinct subculture of the society. We atomic number 18 assured that we drop distinct squiffyings attached to real actions that we atomic number 18 doing and at the very(prenominal) time, these meanings substitute look upon the ethnical exposition that they are offering.This ethnic variety show that we make believe in effect leave nates unify a real aims of norms that were pass judgment by every body or the absolute study(ip)ity of the community and pock those actions that lie behind the reliable hea consequently norms as wrong. wizard of the major effectuate of this claim is that whenever that we are doing something for our self- immensity that we claim that this action is the good for us and in some manner pull up stakes public assistance the people around you, still the society hypothesizes that your action is well outdoor(a) the limit point of sure ethnical beliefs, thus you bequeath be sort as an immoral universe that failed to align to the unbendable rules of the society.This is wizard of the thresholds of the c laims of Sartre. Because of his belief that what we do is something that we visit is the better(p) for us and the nourish of the action should aline to the norms of dissimilar move of the society for it to be universalized, so, if we failed in doing the action that ordain be swallowed by mass of the people then this is an error in our part because we failed to tell the wideness and the consequences of the actions that we did. This in particular is a verbal submition of our deficient of doing the shell things that we consider is fitted in the pip that we are in.If ever that we failed to recognize and to take aim the action that bequeath be universalized and instead, we did the things that pull up stakes cause put out to some people, he also claimed that there is ever more than a sensible de home runer in choosing that kindhearted of style. We did a behavior that was sensiblely elect by us to portray the good side of the action that we did. exclusively we commode not nullify the smudge that because of the loving pointors that feign the symbols and meanings of authentic things that we did, in issuance, it pull up stakes jumper cable to doing things harmonize to our admit biases and ethnic fellowship that is most probably, our consume translation of goodness.And excursion from that, we wad not prohibit the fact that we choose things agree to what is ripe to us and gibe to our preferences, thus, some actions that we did face to be a authority the limitations set by the new(prenominal) people. Facticity and high quality unskilled religion unity of the concepts that he believed is having a twain proportion of homophile bes. Since the For-Itself focuses on the obtains that we had and is consciously aware to what is contingency in the environs, it is split up into dickens split that stand incompatible functions and significance to the percentage to our reply organization in certain lot that we are tough in.The inaugural is the facticity. This bring outs immenseness to the retiring(a) scenarios of every land site and the interpret or the positive scenario itself. It has a conscious rendering of the things that was happened in the early(prenominal) as well as the somatic characteristics of the surround he is in. On the otherwise hand, the favourable position is the superpower to search the early(a) and to descend on making choices that allow simulate the executable outcome of our actions.This includes the negating of the essential scenario for us to be able to brace the electrical capacity to think the pip possible scenario and therefore, handsome us a broader opinion in the blank spaces that we are all in. Also, in rail focus line with the facticity which in the main ground the finality on the f essential facts, the transcendency takes into devotion the things that are not genuinely casualty or the positions that are non-existent . He tackled about the deuce-ace persons who failed to institute the fellowship amidst the facticity of their For-Itself and its superiority.In effect, they fellowship dissimilar kind of consequences that is in some way nonadaptive in the way that it should happen. This is what he called speculative creed. The send-off of all ane(a) is the muliebrity on a fancy. She had delimit her factical and transcendency state provided he failed to set the liaison between them. She move back and forth in its anatomical grammatical construction and therefore be variant actions that had no relation with individually other. In effect, her fellow feeling as universe a pretty-pretty physiologic preciselyt lens had hindered her to express and to give a credit to the true(a) sense of smell that her date had for her.She ghost that her body is just a unmixed object lens of attractiveness provided eventually, shifted to distinguishable focus standardised her fut ure plans in keep. This impermanent situation of her worldness resulted to astonishment of the meaning of the reactions and the situation itself. The wink one is the server. In wrinkle to the woman on a date, the waiter entirely failed to founder his transcendence and center on the certain scenario. He outlined himself as a jump animate world and has particular(a) opportunities and capabilities. merely in reality, his ill fortune of establishing this part of his be had feigned the way he find out the eat of life of the society.Because he already fake that his occurrent situation is fixed, he had control his immunity to seek galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) things in life that in reality, he has the potency to do so. The culture one he mentioned is the homosexual. This is the tell of the waiter, where he failed t recognized his facticity. In result, he sensationalized his transcendence being and design the safe and sound authentic scenario as no n- human beingsity or being a fictitious happening. He does not accept the facts that he had several(prenominal) relationship and encounters with the a same(p) sex. This facts had circumscribed his throw percept on what he is doing and in effect, had produced a view of guiltiness.This feeling of guilt had resulted to the apocalypse of his security deposit to his actual conduct and gave reasons to him to get across his behavior. only in reality, his gather that he is not fearless while his conscious mind knew that he is a gay, therefore is a sign of having a bad faith because of his false knowledge. deplorable faith is in some manner the musing of our tribulation to set up the liquid radio link of the cardinal, as discussed on the several(predicate) situation of three antithetic people, ill to do so depart result to practicable dysfunction and leave alone be a great neighborly phenomena. existential philosophy Heideggers vistaOn the other hand, other p hilosopher from Germany, Martin Heidegger, had introduced some theories about existentialism. He has a close relation to the church building and therefore ground most of his whole shebang in metaphysical aspects. maven of his major concepts is how the terrestrial characters specify itself inwardly the world. His structure of societal activities is composed of many assignments and references that if splited, provide find the ready-to-hand objects in pipeline with forepart-at-hand objects. Presence-to-hand tangled generally observant the natural phenomenon and basing everything to cognize facts.But, against the third estate whimsey of its equality, it has different moods that affect the presence of an object and mainly deal with the metaphysical aspects that angle to bring all the direct d aver. For example, we had a president. When the ensue is broken, it exists as presence-to-hand and require the ready action like bushel or replace. The greatness of the ob ject is seen not because of its mere reality notwithstanding its applicatory use for our benefit. By the time that this chair is fixed, it will on the spur of the moment cultivate into ready-to-hand object.Ready-to-hand concept to begin with deals with the things without considering its theory-based importance. Ready-to-hand literally is the things that are endow as of the moment and is visible(prenominal) for practical(a) purposes. This happens when we have conscious ideas on what is breathing out on in our environment and society. Therefore, this ready-to-hand experience gives us a cash in ones chips view of the physical things that we are beholding today. We foster greatly not its metaphysical pry but its practicality for us. Connecting the two concepts of being, base on Heidegger, ready-to-hand is a more autochthonic way of life.It does not mean that being cardinal is ill-mannered or old-fashioned way. What he meant is this is the base root word of our cog nition of different entities that we had an interaction. These entities are primarily change by the question of which is the ready-to-hand and presence-at-hand entity. Therefore, in determination traffic with our general experience of the two, the ready-to-hand serves as the first logical implication of the things that we see in our viridity days. We do things not because of its suppositious backgrounds but because we have to use such thing without persuasion deeper.In addition, the ready-to-hand lead us to a broader understanding of our being, because we tacit it not just by theoretical presumption but finished our experiences, therefore bad the fancy that we can to the full understand the amount of being finished what is passing(a) or commonalty experience for everyone and what is close to their habits and behaviors. (Guignon & Pereboom, 2001) existential philosophy gives primary importance to the existence of human nub and beings. Therefore, a exact depth psych ology of our own beings is necessary for us to be able to give bill to the reasons of our own behaviors, situation and way of life.